We appreciate that as time goes on and being in lockdown can cause family tensions and difficulties.
We are running our martial arts classes online which is a great for both phycial and mental health for our students and in turn their families.
Please find some useful tips here on working from home, home schooling etc here: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/coronavirus-advice-suppport-children-families-parents/
Safeguarding and child protection are as important now as they ever have been. However, with schools closed and social distancing measures in place across the UK, we all need to think about the way we keep children safe during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
We continue to support children, young people and their families during this challenging period.
We all have a responsibility to keep children safe. This is even more important at a time when children aren’t being seen by a range of professionals on a daily basis.
Our safeguarding officer is KSN Sally Runnacles who can be contaced on 07795117701 or email ksw.yeovil@btinternet.com.
There is some information on the NSPCC website to explain how to spot the signs of abuse and neglect while social distancing measures are in place.
If you have any concerns about a child’s wellbeing, contact the NSPCC Helpline.
NSPCC’s trained professionals will talk through your concerns with you, give you expert advice and take appropriate action to protect the child.
Contact NSPCC direct on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk.